RGB- master
An interactive game
Project:    Prototyping av interaktive media
Year:         2021
The objective was to create an electrical installation, which required physical movements of the user. The installation was to be located in Gruven, Norway's largest facility for student innovation.
Proscess and methods
We started the project by conducting two workshops in Miro for ideation, where we also visited Gruven to get an impression of the room we were going to design for. After landing on a concept we wanted to work on, we set up a Gantt-scheme with deadlines we set ourselves for when various parts of the process should be finished. This worked well as a starting point. At the same time, it was difficult to meet all the deadlines as parts of the process were more demanding than expected. Such a scheme will probably work better with more experience in similar projects.
Throughout the process, we used KANBAN forms to keep track of tasks, and for work distribution.
To assess the concept, we started early on a Wizard of Oz user test. After several rounds of thinking aloud testing, we had insight into both what worked and what didn't work about the game.

The process further became iterative with several user tests internally in the group and externally. In the concept phase, the group mostly worked together. When the product was to be realised, we made a greater distribution of work, with an assessment of how different competences lay in the group.

We managed to complete both boxes, with electronics and code within the deadline. However, we did not get communication between the boxes to work quite as desired. We knew from early on that this would be a challenge. After assessment with the supervisor, we still concluded that this was a challenge we could take on, as the project was primarily about creating a good concept and a good prototype.

RGB-master is an interactive game, where you compete to find color sequences. The game is designed to create curiosity and invite to play. Through play, it brings people together.

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